Photo Credit | Morgan, Andrea, Hawaii Sand, Personal Collection, 2023
WHAT is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is the art of being fully engaged and aware of what you are experiencing in the present moment. It is generally accepted as whole body sense perception, and encourages a soft quality of relaxed curiosity; opening up space for direct cognition, intuitive flashes, and new realizations.
Another way of describing mindfulness is softening tendencies towards a fixed mind or concrete thinking; allowing one to slow down reactions to ensure a more measured and thoughtful outcome. A heart centered practice guided by the ethics of non-harm.
"Harmlessness is a most powerful form of Yoga and it will take you speedily to your goal."
-Nisagardatta Maharaj
Another way of describing mindfulness is softening tendencies towards a fixed mind or concrete thinking; allowing one to slow down reactions to ensure a more measured and thoughtful outcome. A heart centered practice guided by the ethics of non-harm.
"Harmlessness is a most powerful form of Yoga and it will take you speedily to your goal."
-Nisagardatta Maharaj